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Momenteel is deze toegang voorbehouden voor partners en medewerkers van Kyocera Document Solutions. Houd er rekening mee dat uw lokale extranet nog steeds beschikbaar en toegankelijk voor u is via de onderstaande knop.
The violence and destructions we see before us being caused by the military attacks on Ukraine is shocking to all of us.
Kyocera Document Solutions Europe is saddened to witness such actions that disrupts and threatens peace.
Considering all challenges surrounding us, including logistic arrangements, we have decided to suspend deliveries of all devices to Russia.
We send our sincerest condolences to everyone impacted by these tragic events. Our heartfelt thoughts go out to each person facing or impacted by such excruciatingly and unbearable difficulties. We stand united in support of a quick, and peaceful solution.
Kyocera Document Solutions Europe