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Prior to the onset of COVID-19, the way we lived, worked and interacted with one another was changing rapidly due to digitalisation. Trends such as enterprise mobility and digital document collaboration continued to gather steady momentum and we were able to enjoy greater flexibility in terms of when and where we worked.
For many companies, this flexibility is no longer an option. In order to survive, businesses across all sectors have had to quickly adapt and adjust. Many were forced to implement remote working for the first time.
While this mobility at work provides a brand-new platform for today’s businesses to become closer to their customers, providing a more personalised service, it also drastically raises security vulnerabilities.
The crisis has seen our dependence on digital tools and solutions increase dramatically and this reliance will only grow with the rise of 5G networks and the Internet of Things (IoT).
It seems highly likely that many industries will not return to the strict traditional office nine-to-five model of working. Google, for example, plans to keep 200,000 full-time and contract employees working remotely until at least July 2021.
With staff spread out across towns and cities instead of in their usual office hub, the number of potential points of data security threats has grown exponentially. Shared databases with vast amounts of confidential data are now being accessed via home Wi-Fi networks over which companies have virtually zero control.
The need for a trusted security partner – specialists in IT solutions, software, and document solutions – will soon become apparent. The World Economic Forum’s COVID-19 Risks Outlook concludes that cyberattacks and data fraud are considered the most likely technological risks of COVID-19 for the world. Given what’s at stake, many companies won’t get a second chance to right any wrongs.
Prior to the pandemic, IDC’s 2019–2020 Vendor Assessment report detailed how many IT managers and Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) still assumed that systems put in place to protect the network would extend to other connected peripherals. They warned that security around network perimeters is “crumbling,” and “every device connected to the network is now an endpoint security risk, printers and MFPs included.”
The volume of documents being digitally shared continues to sky-rocket and such a mindset will prove to be detrimental for those who fail to give document security the importance it merits.
A one-size-fits-all approach to print and document security is no longer viable. Given the volume and complexity of today’s security threats, today’s business leaders need a partner to provide them with a personalised security solution to fit with the needs of their business.
Teams still need to print, scan and share documents – be it from the office or home office – on a daily basis.
Without a secure document management solution, companies are at risk of confidential documents falling into the wrong hands. Cloud solutions will continue to take center stage and businesses must ensure a secure migration so that employees can work together efficiently and safely.
In the digital age, companies must get the balance right between mobility and security – with Kyocera, this is made easy.
With greater consistency and control, Kyocera customers are given the tools to build robust and proactive enterprises. Look at one of the solutions designed to tackle real business pains. To turn challenges into new opportunities for improvements in efficiency and productivity.
Kyocera Cloud Print and Scan securely prints documents and only allows authenticated users to access the machine and retrieve the paper. By facilitating a bird’s eye overview of the printing environment inside your company, it contributes to a more efficient cost management and secure environment.
Download your copy of Kyocera: Major Player in the Modern Age of Document Security.