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How investing in production print can provide a positive ROI

Production print presents an opportunity to no longer rely on outsourcing
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As the printing industry evolves and transforms to meet the needs of today’s business world, many industries are realising that they need to update their printing model in order to maintain or increase their output in a more cost and time-efficient way. Businesses that need to print documents in higher volumes are beginning to look to production printing as the most effective solution as technology advances and their needs change.

Instead of outsourcing, these companies can invest in digital production printers. These types of printers are able to print extremely large quantities of copies at high speed. Production printers usually start at a production rate of 60 prints per minute (ppm), although they can also typically reach 100 to 150 ppm. 

Although the idea of investing in a high-tech production printer might be slightly daunting for any company at first given the cost of investment, this decision will prove to be financially beneficial over time. The savings obtained by implementing modern printing technology can be felt in the medium to long term. These machines can cost anything from roughly €20,000 to €500,000, depending on the brand and functions provided.

The shift to production printing enables companies to successfully print huge volumes at higher speeds than ever before. Not only will these companies be able to complete more prints in less time, but they can also benefit from the innovative features and options integrated into these digital devices, which traditional printers are unable to offer.

Companies and institutions in many industries are beginning to consider purchasing a production printer as a way to increase their output and control it internally, including law firms, medical facilities, schools, universities, marketing agencies and publishers.

Production printers usually start at a production rate of 60 prints per minute

The Future is Inkjet

Here are three ways that you can ensure a positive ROI with in-house production printing.


Eliminate extra outsourcing costs

Investing in a digital production printer gives companies the ability to produce both long and short print runs affordably and on site, eliminating the unnecessary costs associated with outsourcing to a printing facility. An InfoTrends study revealed that internally printing lower run-length orders proves less expensive, and requires less time, than outsourcing these projects.

By analysing the cost of outsourcing print jobs in comparison to managing a print output internally, the study found that many non-print costs associated with outsourcing significantly drive up the price of this option, for example transportation and storage expenses.

This essentially means that companies can save money by owning an in-house production printer and avoiding these extra outsourcing fees.


Produce higher volumes in less time

Production printers have been specifically designed to produce high volumes quicker than the average MFP. These devices are much better suited to meeting professional printing demands and are much less likely to falter during the printing process. What’s more, they are equipped to deal with extremely high workloads and are not worn out like laser alternatives. The use of these devices certainly increases the efficiency levels of any company that needs to produce documents in large quantities.

When a business’ printing needs reach a higher level than that of the average office or firm, investing in a production printer is most likely the way forward, especially when the company is on a stricter time-line to produce the final amount of prints required for a certain project or occasion. Instead of having to wait for the prints to be sent back from an external commercial print firm, or overloading a regular office printer and risking its malfunctioning, turning to a production printer to get the job done can save crucial time.


Fill the gap in the market

Thousands of companies have found that their printing needs now exceed that of the average firm, but also do not reach the highest print volume bracket at the top of the list.

Production printers can provide your company with a positive ROI, as these devices can serve as the middle ground option between the two extremes, rather than holding your company back by limiting print jobs due to the cost, or leading to unnecessary expenses with more copies made simply to reduce the price.

Production print is the next step in growth for companies who are increasing their printing needs. While these businesses cannot justify investments in costly printing presses but have needs that exceed the alternative, opting for digital and inkjet production printers can be the solution they have been waiting for.

hands with a laptop

Read the eBook here

You can download your own copy of the eBook, and learn more about how the future of production printing belongs to inkjet.

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