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As part of its territorial project, and with the aim of providing a unified service, the Paris-Saclay Community (CAPS), which brings together 27 municipalities in Essonne, is homogenising its print fleet with 600 Kyocera devices. These will be managed using KYOCERA Net Manager to optimise costs and enhance security.
The Paris-Saclay Community is a public establishment resulting from the merger of 2 former conurbations, Europ’ Essonne and CAPS on 1 January 2016, joined by the cities of Verrières le Buisson and Wissous, representing a total of 27 municipalities. With 312,000 inhabitants, 25,000 companies, 180,000 jobs, 65,000 students, 15,000 researchers, and its scientific community, the region’s economic and scientific importance is recognised internationally.
“We really appreciated MDS Partners’ expertise and approach. They have guided us on our journey with great kindness and professionalism. Their availability and readiness to help has been an asset. Kyocera’s teams were very responsive, and the deployment went smoothly. We can testify to the very high reliability of the Kyocera machines in place.”
Raphaël Cadeau, Director of Information Systems, Paris-Saclay Community Resources Department
Replacing a complex patchwork of devices with 600 reliable Kyocera machines.
The solution was to streamline and homogenise the entire fleet with 600 KYOCERA TASKalfa devices, combined with security and accounting software solutions such as Print & Follow Me and KYOCERA Net Manager Pro. The four -year contract will replace the printers in every municipality, starting in Marcoussis, Ville du Bois, Igny, Saclay, Saint Aubin, Villebon sur Yvette, Ballainvilliers, Bures sur Yvette, Linas, Saulx les Chartreux, Villejust and the Paris-Saclay Urban Community.