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This whitepaper delves into one of the most common business struggles in the 21st century: how to achieve efficiency in workflows. In fact, European organisations identified it as one of their biggest pains in Kyocera's recent survey. With demands on turnaround time and simplified communication being among business priorities, getting workflow management right is essential for operations of all sizes, from small businesses right through to multi-national companies.
Yet, it is not something that companies need to fear. Content Services and Enterprise Content Management (ECM) are just two examples of the technology that holds the key to optimising business processes with more efficient workflows. Many of the difficulties presented by the modern business environment can be overcome with the help of the implementation of such technology.
Among the key pains identified are the struggles of analogue systems to cope with today’s vast amounts of documentation and information. Where workflows were once simple with few steps, modern businesses that continue to develop find that one of the greatest challenges of growth is to maintain the consistency of their productivity simply due to the strains on workflows.
What's more, collaboration is becoming increasingly common as projects spread across the globe, involving team-members in different continents and time-zones. As such, only the most optimised of workflows can remain seamless. Technology helps to overcome these barriers, providing new ways to remain in touch and stay up to date.
Automation can help prevent human error, strengthen security, and improve resource allocation to get your business operations running like clockwork. This is just one way in which technology can provide a shortcut to efficiency without the complications and costs of other approaches.
This whitepaper is the second in a three-part series which takes a closer look at the findings of Kyocera's recent study on the extent of digitalisation in companies across Europe. By diving into greater detail, the major challenges facing businesses can be considered, with the solutions and opportunities available also exhibited.
Kyocera Document Solutions Europe has conducted a study to share our expertise with partners and to acquire a true overview of the current understating and perception of “Enterprise Content Management” and “Document Management Systems” in the marketplace. In all, the outcomes are aimed at assisting customers to develop information management strategies involving these solutions and to add value to their businesses, leaving them to reflect on how to achieve their true digitalisation, a step which leads to optimisation of processes.